

Please enter a gene symbol or a chromosome location for one of the genome versions, such as Btau 5.0.1 (GCF_000003205.7), UMD3.1.1 (GCF_000003055.6) and ARS-UCD1.2 (GCF_002263795.1), to obtain CNV region (CNVR) information of intersected genomic region, CNV length, the closest gene, consequence type, and copy number distribution in 432 individuals representing 49 cattle populations.

Search by gene symbol or chromosome position

Gene symbol:   e.g., , ,

Or Chromosome location:   For Btau_5.0.1, e.g.,

Or Chromosome location:   For UMD_3.1.1, e.g.,

Or Chromosome location:   For ARS-UCD1.2, e.g.,