Xiangnan Wang

Name: Xiangnan Wang Date of birth: Mar.29,1992 Cell phone: +86 18838917969 Email: wangxiangnan_1@163.com

EDUCATION 2019.6 - present PhD candidate, College of Animal Science and Technology, Northwest A & F University
2016.9 - 2019.7 Master, College of Animal Science and Veterinary Medicine, Henan Agricultural University
2014.9-2016.7, Bachelor, College of Animal Science and Veterinary Medicine, Henan Agricultural University

Publications Wang X, Li Z, …, Han R. Identification of a novel 43-bp insertion in the heparan sulfate 6-O-sulfotransferase 3 (HS6ST3) gene and its associations with growth and carcass traits in chickens[J]. Animal Biotechnology , 2019, 30(3):252-259
Han R#, Wang X#, …, Li Z. Chicken ZNF764L gene: mRNA expression profile, alternative splicing analysis and association analysis between first exon Indel mutation and economic traits [J]. GENE , 2019;695:92-98.
Liang K#, Wang X#,…, Li Z. Molecular characterization and an 80-bp indel polymorphism within the prolactin receptor (PRLR) gene and its associations with chicken growth and carcass traits. Accepted by 3Biotech (2019).

Research Interest My post graduate research mainly focuses on indel genetic effects and preliminary functions research of genes related to economic traits in chicken. Now, my subject is the origin and evolution of rumen microorganisms (protozoa).