Xiangyu Pan

Name: Pan Xiangyu, Date of Birth: May.1990
Research Field: Animal Genetics and Breeding
Email: bendanpanxiangyu@163.com, Cell phone: +86 13609128717
Address: College of Animal Science and Technology, Northwest A & F University, Yangling, Shaanxi, 712100

RESEARCH INTERESTS My post graduate research mainly focuses on the genetic variants and molecular evolution of Ruminants. My subject is the macroevolution of rumen in Ruminantia. Ruminantia is the most prosperous branch in mammals concluding Perissodactyla and Artiodactyla after the extinction of dinosaurs. The emergence of rumen and the nearly perfect function may lead to robust adaptation and niche diversity. The function of rumen play a key role for ruminants’ survival and evolution. Ruminants occupy an important position in agricultural industry providing numerous economic products for human. I hope to find the origin and function of rumen and the highly efficiency of rumen for the applicable in agricultural production.

EDUCATION 2008.09 - 2012.06 B.S. Animal Science, College of Animal Husbandry Veterinary, Shenyang Agriculture University.
2012.09 - 2015.06 M.M. Animal Genetics and Breeding, College of Animal Science and Technology, Gansu Agriculture University.
2016.09 - present PhD candidate, College of Animal Science and Technology, Northwest A&F University.

PUBLICATIONS (# Co-first author)

  1. Pan X, Liu S, Li F, et al. Molecular characterization, expression profiles of the ovine FSHR gene and its association with litter size[J]. Molecular biology reports, 2014, 41(12): 7749-7754.
  2. Li M#, Zhou H#, Pan X#, et al. Cassava foliage affects the microbial diversity of Chinese indigenous geese caecum using 16S rRNA sequencing[J]. Scientific Reports, 2017, 7.
  3. Wang W, Liu S, Li F, Pan X, et al. Polymorphisms of the Ovine BMPR-IB, BMP-15 and FSHR and their associations with litter size in two chinese indigenous sheep breeds[J]. International journal of molecular sciences, 2015, 16(5): 11385-11397.

AWARDS 2014     National scholarship for postgraduate students, Gansu Agriculture University
2010     Merit graduate students award, Shenyang Agriculture University
2011     Excellent graduate students leader, Shenyang Agriculture University
2012     Excellent graduate students leader, Shenyang Agriculture University
2012     Dalian Sanyi scholarship, Shenyang Agriculture University