I am a laboratory introduction2
Yu Wang
  • Name:  Yu Wang    Gender:  male    Job title:  Professor    Mentor type:  doctoral supervisor

  • Mailing address:  Northwest A & F University, Yangling, China. Post code:  712100

  • Email:  wang_yu@nwsuaf.edu.cn
Education and Work Experience

2008-2012  Bachelor of Agriculture Science, College of Animal Science and Technology, Northwest A&F University, Shaanxi, China.
2012-2015  Master of Agriculture Science, College of Animal Science and Technology, Northwest A&F University, Shaanxi, China
2015-2019  Doctor of Agriculture Science, College of Animal Science and Technology Northwest A&F University, Shaanxi, China
2020-now  Professor, College of Animal Science and Technology, Northwest A&F University, Shaanxi, China

Research Interests

Analyze the big data of omics by means of bioinformatics to analyze the genetic basis of the origin and development of important organs of livestock and the mining and utilization of genetic resources of related species of livestock.Analyze the big data of omics by means of bioinformatics to analyze the genetic basis of the origin and development of important organs of livestock and the mining and utilization of genetic resources of related species of livestock.

Lecture courses

At present, mainly teaches bioinformatics and animal genomics.

Scientific Research Projects

1. Development of key target sites for gene editing hornless cattle and sheep, K30820045, China Postdoctoral Innovative Talent Training Program, 2020-2021, 630,000 RMB.
2. Multi-omics analysis on the molecular mechanism of regulating cashmere fineness, 32002141, youth project of National Natural Science Foundation of China, 2021-2023, 24 million RMB.
3. Basic genetic research on musk cattle and reindeer convergent evolution of visceral brown fat to adapt to the Arctic environment, 32170627, National Natural Science Foundation of China, 2022-2025, 580,000 RMB.
4. Target mining of ruminant gene editing and breeding, 2021YFF1001000, the 14th Five-Year National Key R & D Program for Young Scientists, 2022-2026, 4 million RMB.
